Friday, March 1, 2013

Tonight is my school's lock in. So basically we get there at 21:30 and stay until 6:00. There are games and movies and food and there's a dance going on the whole night. Last year they had reallyy good food so I'm afraid I'm gonna eat. Like it's all catered from the restaurants in town and it's all super high in calories. I probably will be dancing the whole night because that'd be a good way to exercise. I'm excited.
So for about a month, I had a thing with this guy. He lives in Washington (I'm in Oregon) and it's only a 15 minute drive but he doesn't go to the same school as me so we never really see each other. But last weekend we were hanging out at his house and we starting making out and he was like "Sooo does this mean we're together or what?" And I was like "I think so" :) so later when my brother was coming to pick me up (not having my license suuuucks), we were talking and I was like "So we're together right? Like dating?" And he laughed and kissed me and said yes. It was so fantastic and I was so happy and I'm still happy and I haven't seen him since then which majorly sucks because he's a phenomenal kisser

Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm going to Ireland in 21 days with my choir! Oh my goodness I can't wait. Like I really can't! :) I'm going to lose 10 pounds by then. That's the goal. So I'll be down to.. 148 pounds? Yayy. So I've been driving like a lot lately with my dad and I think I may actually be good enough to get my license on my birthday! (April 19)!! But unfortunately, the DMV in my little bum town only offers the driving test on thursdays... Just my luck that my 16th birthday would be a friday. I'm so excited though :). I'm going to be in Ireland for 9 days which I guess isn't that long, but with my whole choir... It'll probably feel like ages. I'm actually a little scared cause I don't have any friends in choir. I mean, I do, but none of them I really talk to. And the majority of them have THEIR best friends in it so they don't need to talk to me :( the only girl I could potentially spend the trip with is the one I hate. Stupid bitch kissed my boyfriend last year. Ugh she needs to just like, fall off a cliff and die. Whaaat no I would never say that. Jk. I just did. I really do not feel like sleeping. But my dad is in bed so I feel like I should. But honestly dad stfu it's only 21:30 like go home.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I was asleep and my mom decided I needed to wake to to come downstairs and spend time with her. If she wanted me to spend time with her, maybe she shouldn't dump me at my dads house every chance she gets. Just maybe.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

So in all, today was a really good day. Probably because I watched the Breakfast Club. I've never seen that before! Best. Movie. Ever. I think I'm probably gonna watch it like every weekend now. Like usually I don't wanna watch old movies so I think I'm gonna try to be more open to them now. Any suggestions? :) good night

Saturday, February 16, 2013

So I feel like I'm really bad at blogging. I'll do fine for a couple days but lose all motivation a couple days later and just want to give up. But whatevs, I can do what I want

Photography Blogs

So I'm in this photography class and now that it's second semester, we're posting our pictures on blogs so maybe I'll link my photo blog and all my nonexistent followers can check my photo skillssss. Hahaha yeah right